Teaching Abroad in Abu Dhabi, UAE: Q&A January 29, 2016Picture yourself teaching abroad in Abu Dhabi, UAE! Lindsey, a Teach Away Placement Coordinator and licensed teacher who taught with the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC), shares her insights into what...
Teaching Abroad in India: Q&A January 27, 2016Updated December 21, 2021 This post has been updated for 2022! Back in 2016, our content team published this series where teachers shared their experiences teaching abroad. In this instalment, Katie...
Teaching Abroad in South Korea in 2022: Q&A January 27, 2016Updated December 20, 2021 Are you interested in teaching abroad in South Korea in 2022 with the University of Toronto TEFL Certification? Update on Teaching in Korea in 2022 Many...
Teaching Abroad in Spain: Q&A January 26, 2016Interested in teaching abroad in Spain with the University of Toronto TEFL Online? We asked Christie at Teach Away about her experience teaching abroad in Gijon, Spain as an ESL...
How can a qualified teacher benefit from a TEFL certificate? December 14, 2015It’s a common misconception that only ESL teachers benefit from earning a TEFL Certificate. Understandably, as TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. However, most people don’t realize that...
6 things about TEFL you thought were true, but aren't | Part 2 November 24, 2015Updated December 21, 2021 TEFL myths debunked Part 2 has been updated! This two-part series on setting the record straight on some of the common misconceptions about getting your TEFL...