Is teaching English abroad right for me? [Quiz]

Is teaching English abroad right for me? [Quiz]

You may have dreamed about teaching English abroad, but how do you know if it’s the right move for you?

Teaching English abroad is a great way to travel the world and experience new cultures, but it’s also a job. In my own experience, spending time with the students was just as valuable as the opportunity to travel. My students gave me such unique insight into the local culture. Not only that – it was so rewarding to see them grow and improve their English over the course of our time together. Lesson planning in the evenings was a labor of love simply because of the joy I knew a great lesson could bring to my classroom.

Working and living in the same place for a year also allowed me to make real connections. I loved the chance to really immerse myself somewhere and live like a local. On top of all this, I was able to travel on my off time. Weekends and holidays were getaways to anywhere I could get a plane or bus ticket.

There are a lot of ways to see the world. Teaching English abroad is just one of them, but take it from me, if it’s for you, it’ll be the adventure of a lifetime.

Not sure if you fit the bill? Take our quiz to find out if you’d make a great English teacher abroad!

1. Speaking in front of a large audience is:
A) Terrifying - I avoid it at all costs.
B) Not my favorite way to spend my time, but I can do it when necessary.
C) Exhilarating!

2. Do you have teaching experience?
A) Yes, I have done some teaching.
B) Some, if you include coaching.
C) No, I have no experience teaching.

3. How do you feel about meeting new people?
A) I love meeting new people from many different walks of life.
B) I enjoy meeting new people with which I connect.
C) My mantra is no new friends.

4. Your friend invites you to dinner at her house for the first time. You can't recognize any of the foods in front of you. What do you do?
A) Starve! You hate strange foods and don't like experimenting.
B) Try a little bit of everything! Situations like these are either good experiences or good stories.
C) Ask some questions about the meals and eat the least suspicious looking foods.

5. What about teaching abroad most interests you?
A) The chance to travel!
B) The chance to make an impact on the lives of others.
C) The opportunity to escape my current day job.
D) The vacation time.


Add up your points: 

1. Speaking in front of a large audience is:
A) 0 points
B) 2 points
C) 3 points

2. Do you have teaching experience?
A) 3 points
B) 2 points
C) 1 point

3. How do you feel about meeting new people?
A) 3 points
B) 2 points
C) 0 points

4. Your friend invites you to dinner at her house for the first time. You can't recognize any of the foods in front of you. What do you do?
A) 0 points
B) 3 points
C) 2 points

5. What about teaching abroad most interests you?
A) 3 points
B) 3 points
C) 1 point
D) 1 point

0-6 points

You'd benefit from some ESL teacher training!

Teaching abroad might sound like an amazing experience to you, but perhaps you're not the most extroverted or adventurous person. Before starting your journey abroad, you'd benefit from thorough teacher training that would provide you the skills to be a confident teacher.

A TEFL Certification from the University of Toronto OISE would give you lesson planning skills, classroom management strategies and tips on adapting to new cultures that would ensure you have a successful teaching experience!

7-10 points

With some training, you'd make a great English teacher!
You're interested in new things and take calculated risks. You've clearly got some good instincts already, but some further training will help you feel confident in your English teaching skills.

Luckily, a TEFL course can provide you with the classroom management skills you need to become a highly successful English teacher abroad!

11-15 points

You'd make an excellent English teacher abroad!

Great news! Not only do you have the confidence and leadership skills needed for the overseas classroom - your thirst for adventure and travel just so happen to align perfectly with the experience of teaching abroad.

You're already well on your way to starting your teach abroad adventure - the next step is to qualify for English teaching jobs abroad - and stand out from the competition - by earning an internationally-recognized TEFL certificate.



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